Why Choose Us?

At Radix Market Research we want to help you find meaningful insights that lead to actionable results. Our dedicated and passionate team will work with you to get the answers you need. Get in touch today to learn more!

Our Expertise

With over 40 years of experience in consumer analysis, we have contacted tens of thousands of our clients’ customers to produce deeper insights to how they may improve their product or service, optimize their offering, and create innovations that work.

Customized Approach

We work directly with you and your team to find the best solutions for your market research needs. There are no problems that cannot be solved nor questions that cannot be answered.

Technical Knowledge

Our team has a deep knowledge of the technical aspects of market research, data analysis and data visualization. We work with a wide variety of statistical programs, programming languages and visualization tools to dig deep into your data and present it in striking and informative format.

Direct Contact

When you reach out to us you will be in direct contact with with one of our knowledgeable team members who will be dedicated to your project throughout the process. This approach allows us to be intimately familiar with your company and project in order to provide the best quality insights and results.